Theater of the Yangtze River ™
Using China's longest river as the narrative carrier, it tells the belief of life that seeks self-salvation in chaos.
Chapter I - IV: The brim of the hat is printed with the words "Good Luck Coming".
Chapter I - IV: 帽檐上印有“好运来”三个字。
Chapter II - VII: On the left side of the curtain are written the words "Extreme Happiness", which refers to the Pure Landof Bliss or Bliss in Buddhism. The Pure Land of Bliss is characterized by the fact that sentient beings do not have any suffering, but receive all kinds of happiness, hence the name "Bliss". In Buddhism, the importance of Bliss lies in the fact that it provides an ideal state of life and a spiritual goal. Through faith and practice, believers aspire to reach the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha and enjoy the happiness of being free from suffering. (Text quoted from Baidu)
Chapter II - VII: 左侧帘布上写有“極樂法”三个字,即“极乐法”(佛教中的极乐净土或极乐世界)。极乐净土的特点是众生无有众苦,但受诸乐,因此得名“极乐”。在佛教中,极乐法的重要性在于它提供了一个理想的生活状态和修行目标。通过信仰和实践,信徒们期望能够达到阿弥陀佛的净土,享受无苦的快乐。(文本引用自百度)